prism Instrument - Platte mit farbigen, runden Magneten

A methodology

Therapists, consultants and researchers throughout the world choose PRISM as their method of visualisation.

Japanese Translation: 方法論

Simple, fast and clear

PRISM (Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure) makes it

  • quick and easy to enter into a dialogue
  • to talk about problems clearly and
  • find new solutions.

The PRISM method visualises and decodes complex relationship patterns based on the latest findings on brain research, psychology and behavioural science.

This method is based on the knowledge that dissonance in relationships produces tension that causes pain and suffering, whether this is within the individual person, towards other people, or in relation to activities or objectives.

The PRISM operator starts a dialogue with the patient, client, or respondent. The topics addressed are then positioned and commented on, by way of standardised, coloured disks placed on a white surface, which represents life.


Professor Stefan Büchi talks about PRISM

"The essence of PRISM is very simple: it is not the problems themselves which lead to disorders and overload. It is how we handle them that determines whether we feel healthy or unhealthy, happy or unhappy. The PRISM method visualises in a simple way how we can face up to issues or problems in our life.

We usually deal with problems and their details in therapy. PRISM focuses directly on their significance and how we handle today’s life issues.

By asking the question, ‘How significant is this topic in your life?’ the PRISM method elicits a new process of reflection, which includes the underlying ‘file of knowledge."


Video about the method