prism Instrument - Platte mit farbigen, runden Magneten

Assessment of suicidal intent

"Determining the risk of suicide in crisis situations is a sensitive issue. With PRISM, I have a validated decision-making process available to me, which can also give patients their first insight."

PRISM is a validated method for the determination of suicidality. It is widely acdepted as a standard tool in ambulatories and institutions to assess patients effectively

PRISM S for the systematic recording of suicidality in LUPS

Regionally linked responsibility to reduce suicides

For the 2020 funding round of Health Promotion Switzerland, lups Lucerne Psychiatry in collaboration with prismium GmbH (PRISM) and Pro Mente Sana has submitted a project outline.

The reduction of suicides and (re)hospitalisations is to be achieved through four central measures (according to the FOPH) in four years.

The consortium will implement these measures in sub-projects and involve the target groups of affected persons, relatives and interprofessional experts in the implementation throughout the entire supply chain.
Visual self-assessment with PRISM-S improves open communication about suicidal tendencies. The app-based, systematic application of this assessment method ensures a smooth flow of information between all parties involved and prevents treatment redundancies.

The Pro Mente Sana course "First Aid Conversations in the Event of Suicide" promotes the self-management of affected persons and their relatives in order to recognize warning signs and support affected persons. A digital safety plan is being developed for those affected.

On 17 April 2020, Health Promotion Switzerland will decide on further processing.

Japanese Translation: 自殺念慮の評価