Legal Notice

Japanese Translation: 法的通知

prismium GmbH
Spielwiesenstraße 19
8050 Zürich

Office: T +41 (0)44 368 40 81

Managing Director: Helen Winkler

Registered office: Zurich, Switzerland
Company number: CH-
Country of registration: Switzerland

© 2019 prismium GmbH Zürich

All rights reserved

Design: Lina Voney, Lucerne; Dennis Hilpmann, Kassel

Photos:  Anna-Tina Eberhard, St. Gallen; Lina Voney, Lucerne; Archiv prismium GmbH, Shutterstock

All rights to this website and its contents are the property of the authors. Users may download, use and retransmit individual files or content, as long as existing copyright notices are not removed, but may not use them commercially in any way without formal consent.

Liability is determined by general law, but the amount is limited to foreseeable damages.

No liability for the existence or contents of any hyperlinks on external websites.